Sunday Services
We use the form of Mass found in the Book of Common Prayer, South Africa. You can follow the liturgy in the Mass booklet found in the pews. On Sundays our Masses are as follows:
8.00 am Low Mass
10.00 am High Mass
10.00 am Sunday School
Occasionally there is an Orchestral HIgh Mass, usually on the greater feasts, which begins at 10:30 am. Information about when these are is found under the “Upcoming Events” on the left of the screen.
Sunday Evenings
On the first Sunday of the month at 7.00 pm the choir sings a full Choral Evensong followed by the short and beautiful service of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The service is followed by a light supper in the Parish Hall.
Weekday Mass
The Mass is also celebrated during the week, in the Lady Chapel; it lasts about thirty minutes.
Attending a weekday Mass is one way of forming your own personal faith whilst praying with the Church. It is also an appropriate way of commemorating an anniversary or praying for any special need.
The weekday Masses are held at the following times:
Tuesday 6:30 pm
Wednesday 6:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am
Saturday 8:00 am