The specification of the organ of St Michael & All Angels, Observatory
NORMAN & BEARD 1906; Extended by JAMES RIADORE 1998.
Double Diapason Open Diapason I Open Diapason II Stopped Diapason Principal Harmonic Flute Twelfth Fifteenth Mixture 19.22.26 Trumpet Clarion Solo to Gt Sw to Gt Sw 8ve to Gt Ch to Gt Ch 8ve to Gt Gt Pistons to Ped | 16′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 4′ 2⅔’ 2′ III 8′ 4′ | Claribel Dulciana Clarinet Tremulant (enclosed): Vox Humana Orchestral Oboe Tremulant High pressure: Tuba Clarion Solo 8ve | 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ |
SWELL ORGAN (enclosed): | PEDAL ORGAN: | ||
Lieblich Bourdon Open Diapason Rohr Flute Echo Gamba Vox Celeste Principal Fifteenth Mixture 15.19.22 Contra Fagotto Cornopean Oboe Clarion Sw 8ve Tremulant | 16′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 2′ III 16′ 8′ 8′ 4′ | Acoustic Bass Open Diapason Bourdon Lieblich Bourdon Octave Bass Flute Flute High pressure: Trombone Tromba Solo to Ped Sw to Ped Gt to Ped Ch to Ped | 32′ 16′ 16′ 16′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 16′ 8′ |
Echo Diapason Gedacht Viol da Gamba Gemshorn Suabe Flute Block Flute Cornet Ch 8ve Solo to Ch Sw to Ch Sw 8ve to Ch Tremulant | 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 4′ 2′ II | Reversible thumb pistons: 4 to Solo 8 to Swell 8 to Great 4 to Choir Reversible toe pistons: 8 to Pedal Sw to Gt Gt to Ped 2 Tutti Gt Pistons to Ped |